It was a lot of fun at the conference. We received a lot of guidance and reminded of a lot of things we could be doing better. But that's okay. Repentance is a good thing. I was also reminded of how secluded I have been in my mission. I didn't know very many people at all. And the only way people knew about me is because of the crazy stories from the border. So I felt a little weird out there. But I was able to fit in. I also was able to work with members. It was extremely different. We ate every day! I tried to gain my weight back but not quite haha. It was also good to be able to pull president aside and update him on our humble group of Zapata. With the people we have right now we are looking good to have baptism next week and start getting some of our priesthood holders up and going so that we can have the Priesthood to get things done.
Also in the package a solid pair of black pants would be good. My other ones didn't get along with a dog.
But other than that we are doing fantastic here. Im blessed to be out here! It has been an amazing experience!
The savior truly has "oceans of love" for all of us. We are all here to learn and to grow. This life is meant to be a trial. But we signed up for it. And now its our job to get back to be with our father again. I am blessed with my earthly parents. You have been able to model the gospel for me so that I can one day teach it to those future generations. I think of that as I work here. If I can have a big enough impact on this generation I can change the paths of those generations to come. But it starts now.
I Love the gospel and I love the Savior. His example and mercy towards us is so incredible. To be able to share this message is a blessing. To be able to offer hope. Our message sounds too good to be true but its the only message with a Win WIn.
Thanks for the prayers!
Love Elder Hatfield
P.S. Cake in a jar sounds great!
Well can anybody say WOW. We had an amazing week. WE had a wedding! Which was awesome and the baptism is today at 6 so we are really excited that. We have been super blessed out here. One of the people that is preparing to be baptized is going to be one of the strongest members here. It has been awesome to watch Zapata Change as i have been working here. I have put alot into this area. And yeah it has been difficult but I wouldnt trade it for anything. I have been able to grow alot here and I know that the Lord has kept me here for that reason. We are truly blessed here in Zapata. SO whatever happens i know its what the Lord wants. I just hope i can really help. Everything is going good here so far so we will see what the Lord has in store for us. Good week. One of the best weeks in my mission.
I was actually given some time to do some "personal study" this morning. Usually im studying for other people and its nice to get some real time to myself for a bit. So i decided to study how Moroni shut down the kings men and how teancum was willing to do what it took to defend what he knew was right. Also on recognizing the spirit and how that spirit can bless our lives and more importantly the lives of others. One thing that has really helped me is being able to see the Lords influence in others over time. To watch my district grow and become something more than what they could have been has been a huge blessing.
One of the most spiritual experiences in my mission happened this week. And i think its something that you can relate to as a bishop. I had the opportunity to be able to interview a woman who is preparing to be baptized. She is one of the most prepared people i have ever met. She is growing by leaps and bounds. But in the interview i gave her i had the opportunity to be able to tell her that something she did 20 some years ago can be forgotten. And that the Lord remembers it no more. The relief and comfort she received from that was amazing. I grew from that alot. And whether i stay or not she will always be a part of my life. SHe helped change me.
The ability to help others and serve in leadership positions is a priceless opportunity. I now understand the words of Christ. He who is greatest among you let him be your servant. The gospel is priceless.
I love this church. I love what it does to people and I know our father in Heaven loves me and is here to guide me in everything. I can now stand with other spiritual Giants and proclaim as they do that Jesus is the Christ and that his sacrifice was not in vain. But that it is really here to help us. If he never came we would have lived without hope in this life.
Lots of love!
Elder Hatfield
Im praying that i stay. I feel like there is alot more i can do here. But we will see what president says.
And thanks about figuring stuff out for college. It will help me alot. We are looking at a really succesful month for august. There are alot of people who can get baptized. so we will see what happens with that. We are looking at some really great members of the church. THey are going to help us alot here.
We had a busy week. Alot of fun with the dogs out here. Its wierd but im always in a spot to help dogs. Working at the vet has really been a huge blessing i know how to help alot of dogs here. People just think that they are mean animals but they dont realize that they are guilty for it. Its the same with there kids. THey all want there kids to live a happier and better life and to not get preganant at 16 and things like that but what they dont realize is that if they keep living the way they dont want their kids to live it doesnt matter. THe change has to begin with them. Which is why its cool to see some young people who are actually letting the gospel change there lives and planning on getting married.
I hope your week goes well. We will see what we know by next week.
Its been good here. And thanks for the Jacket! that's going to be super nice! I do miss the cold alot. Ive always liked it and its been sitting in the hundreds here. Im getting used to it but its still not my favorite.
As for college i will have to figure it out when i get there. I might be able to live cheaper off campus and stuff. I can live without alot of stuff haha. So we will see. Also if i can just budget food myself and save money.
I have also met a few people down here that would provide me with a few jobs up there. So we will see how that works. And by up there i mean idaho and utah.
Havent put too much thought into it as of yet.
But other than that its been great. We have been finding alot of new people and helping them to progress. Its awesome. ELder Randall is getting better. And we are all having alot of fun. Im scared for what transfers are going to bring. I think im going to be out. But we will find out.
Thanks for all of your prayers everyone. Im really grateful for that. WE have been very blessed here.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
As I have begun communicating with some of the Companions i have had who went home im almost not looking forward to it. You dont have the same opportunities to bless people. Those opportunities will be there but just not as plentiful. I just hope that when i get into a home i can do and say exactly what the savior would do. I have greatly grown in that. I have noticed this transfer that my testimony has grown. I was able to teach the investigators class at church on sunday and i was teaching about Baptism and it was a good lesson. But at the end of the Class i bore testimony of why i was a missionary and what i am here to do, to really just put our purpose out there. it was awesome. The spirit was very strong.
I have been changed alot on the mission so far. and those are going to be refined as I lose myself in the service of those under my stewardship. I just hope that i can stay worthy of this responsibility.
I have been thinking alot about families. And every time i read my patriarchal blessing im reminded of how blessed i really am to have been born in the family i have been born in. WHeere the gospel principles and teachings were not only taught but exemplified. Thanks for that.
We are going to keep working here.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
I keep thinking the mission isnt very long. It doesnt feel like that much time has passed but when i think about how much has changed back home i cant believe it. Life is going to be so different when i get home. I wasnt too shocked with Grandpa lowe. Im glad he is in a better place now. Another Faithful servant returning home. I think the suffering at the end of this life is just the final bits of refinement that we need to be ready fort the next life.
We are progressing out here. We have a few solid people that are preparing for baptism. I have alot of faith in them. I have been very impressed with their progress. I didnt think they were going to make it but we just had a powerful lesson and everything just clicked for them. The lord touches hearts and changes those who truly love him.
Best wishes for the young couple. Thats wierd. But as long as he is happy. Just hope Mckade wasnt too goofy at the wedding. It looks really pretty! where was it done? dont know when ill have to think about those things haha.
Lots of love,
El mero mero Elder Hatfield
Im doing fantastic. And off of medication im doing great. no worries there. And as far as the mission is going its amazing. I dont need anything in fact ill be sending some stuff home. i got too much stuff haha. (the battery in the watch died so ill just send it back to you) and some other things that i picked up. And thats wierd about sydney! i know a few people from vegas in the mission so if you let me know who i can ask around haha.
And thats alot of people going out on missions. And that means that ill have some time with mckade before he goes out so that will be alot of fun! And from the looks of things out here we are looking to baptize on sunday and have a marriage this week. Im super happy for Caleb and SHelby as well. Its going super good out here in the mission. We had alot of cool miracles this week with the people. WE saw a member that i havent been able to make contact with for the first time in about 5 months. SO that was good. We gave her a blessing and we also gave a blessing to another woman who will soon be an investigator. Also Joe and Jessy the couple we are helping get married so she can be baptized is sharing the gospel with so many people. They are going to be a huge help with the work out here. they already have strong testimonies and everything. ITs going to be awesome. We are also looking to baptize in august. Got some cool people who will be ready by then.
But im doing great. Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
P.s. We got the church on our backs
Thanks! Just another load of bricks;) But thats what Hatfields do. We work best under stress. The more weight the better.
So a pretty lame 4th of July. But we did get pizza and rootbeer floats. I felt american for a brief period of time. Which was great. so the new responsibilites are alot of Fun. Training a new missionary and leading a district. and Im going to be in the branch presidency and the branch mission leader. I will have a few callings. Its great though. I love every moment of it. I can focus all my time and energy on building the Kingdom. THere is no other time where i will be able to do it. All my time. Its a very special opportunity i have been blessed with. I just hope that i can live up to the expectations that are placed before me.
So we are working with Joe and Jessy. They have come to church a few times. WE are hoping to get them married and then baptized. So thats what we are working on right now. We have a mission challenge of finding people so lets see what we can do with me and my greenie. We need to beat the other elders at least haha.
Hope you have a fantastic day!
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
Its been a pretty crazy week. Its hard to think a week ago i was in Mcallen with president saying your going to be a district leader and a trainer. That is a very rare thing. So here i am out in zapata. I remember looking at out ward boundaries in ohio and was thinking wow. My dad has alot of people he is in charge of. So here i am and while it isnt as much its alot. Im really learning to appreciate the atonement. Its been a great week. With teaching and finding people. WE have a finding focus this next week. so im going to see how i can help the district find people in there area.
I always appreciate the spiritual nature of your E mails. Its nice keeps me focused on the day. I was reading in Alma 17 this morning and I learned alot from the first part of the chapter. It helps remind me about when i was called to be a missionary. And while i havent exactly served in the most bountiful areas i have been able to serve in areas that are really in need of help. Thank you for your example and the help you have given me.
Im looking forward to that bike. So far mine is starting to get pretty beat up. Roads aren't exactly the best out here.
Have a great week!
Elder Hatfield
So we will find out about transfers tonight. I have received a little bit of information about next transfer. I was told that im going to be a District leader this next transfer and a trainer as well. The lord has put a weight on my shoulders for this next transfer. Ill be growing alot out here. A really cool part of it was being able to see Elder Avila again. He is an AP and he goes home this week. But he was able to give me the call to be a District Leader. It was pretty cool. Full circle for him. So i will be a bit busy this next transfer. I dont know where im going yet or if im going at all but that im going to be a bit more busy than before.
Thats really cool about Jeff. Tell him to E-mail me or something before he goes. Id like to talk to him.
So thats how it goes in the mission. Lets see what this transfer brings.
This week has been a little insane. Ill just list it out.
1. I was called to be a district leader
2. I was called to be a trainer
3. I spoke for the second sunday in a row
4. Diana one of my converts went less active but i saw her on our way through roma from the district leader meeting, she talked with the branch presidente and is getting back on track because she read the notes that me and Elder Avila left her before we left.
5. 3 of my companions go home this transfer
6. Im not as young as i used to be in the mission.
It was a really exciting week. Luckily im not the most excitable person in the world so the stress and anxiety didnt get to me too bad.
So the cherry on top for me was seeing Elder Avila again. I really learned to Love him. He has been my favorite companion up till now. Mostly because of the hard things we did together. and to be able to see him at the end is very cool. He is an AP and so he got dibs to give me the call to go to mcallen to be a district leader trainer. I dont know where im going to be still. But i know the Lord is going to test me this transfer. I think i might rethink praying for experiences that will help me grow;)
So good week so far i would say. Alot of great experiences. Im really enjoying it out here and i would love to stay in Zapata but we will find out.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
Yeah we had a zone conference. It was really good. Every meeting I am able to attend with President Maluenda is really neat. He is a very inspired man. So this week was really good. At the conference i was able to see Elder Avila again and talk with him. He saw a few of the people that we worked with in roma go on a mini mission. It was really cool to hear about that and find out about a few of the people that we have worked so hard to help. I love it when people let the gospel in to change their lives completely. Their is nothing that brings a missionary greater joy than that. We are really blessed out here.
Miss you guys. Send me some pics of Caleb and Shelby's Wedding. Tell them i say Hi as well.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
Well It has been a busy week. Ive wagered my salvation on the Book of Mormon a few times this week. If people would just read it haha. So a few miracles this week. One we gave a blessing to a grandson of a part member family. That was an extremely spiritual moment. in which we were able to bless the whole family. I was also able to bear testimony very firmly that the heavens are not closed. We have the priesthood and can participate and have available the same blessings today as were available in the days of Jesus Christ. That foundation of Prophets and Apostles is still existent. And its for us to take advantage of. They ended up coming to church and i spoke that Sunday. Needless to say the spirit wanted me to adjust my talk. I didnt read the talk that i had written before. We then had a lesson with them and explained the restoration. It was really cool. She has recieved a few spiritual confirmations. She is also a very smart and capable individual. When she becomes a member we are going to put her to work. we have been praying and fasting for a family that will really strengthen us here.
Well enough about Zapata. I want to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!! My focus and appreciation for families has grown so much this past year. I am so grateful that i have been raised in the family that i have. Your example of a Father is a model i plan to follow.(Only the good things of course;) To have a father back home who i know is praying for me and proud of what i am doing makes the mission just that much better. There is no equivalent to a Father who is actively engaged in the family. You have met that standard and more. And i plan on a life full of interactions together after the mission. There is a talk that i listen too alot out here. it has become one of my favorites. It talks about fathers and men. Ill send you a link.
Well I want to say thanks again. Im Glad that im able to be your son. And as we follow the example of our father in Heaven we wont just be father and son in this life. The great blessings of the Gospel are meant to be shared. So thats what im out here offering.
Love you! Happy late fathers Day!
So its been a busy week. We have been all over. And i had a great time with one of my past companions on an exchange at the beginning of the week. He was one of my favorites so it was great to work with him one last time before he goes back home. It was also wierd working in the city. Alot of people in the city. The work is alot different than it is in any of my past areas.
Also this week we had a great sunday. We didnt have all the people we could have had at the church but we did have a fair amount of people. But what was so cool was what happened during the service. We were able to have one of our recently reactivated kids play the piano for sacrament. It was awesome. He has been coming back to church and actually the first time that i talked to him he wouldnt talk to us but something has changed and he is really turning his life around. He has been taking piano lessons and has learned how to play a song so this sunday we started the meeting and had the sacrament and he still wasnt at church. so i was kinda sad because we started to sing the song that he was supposed to play. And another side note. Ive been working with this family since i have been here and ive never seen their Mom at church But just as of latley she showed us some desires to come to church. So as we started to sing we made it through the first two verses and then they walk in. So one of the senior missionaries silences the music and has this kid come and take the spot at the piano and finish the song. It was awesome. He played perfectly and his mom was there to hear him play. Probably not church protocol but when we are like we are down here we kinda do what we want. So it was a succesful sunday in my eyes.
We have been working with a few people and things. We are starting to see a bit of opposition from other churches it seems but thats how it is so just keep doing the best we can. Something has got to give eventually and i know its not us.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
This week has been alot of fun as i put in my email to mom but even more my testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith is constantly growing and strengthening. Id be lying if i didnt say that i would love to be able to talke with him for even just 20 minutes. Just learn from his example. Such a great man. In the ensign they are writing about the prophet and his story by Matthew Holland and its great. Also this week we saw a magazine of anti material against Joseph Smith. It is definitely a prophecy being fulfilled today of that prophecy given by Moroni that his name would be for good and bad by all nations. The hatred that some have against such a man is so unprecedented and the only other comparison is with the savior Jesus Christ and how people rejected and hated him. Satan is very good at what he does. It has always been easier to destroy than to build and create.
Maybe thats why we are in the creation and building side. Seems like Hatfield dont always do it the easy way. Ive been hard pressed out here its been great though. Im coming to realize that im definitely in one of the hardest areas. But im sure that it is one of the most rewarding as well. Any success or failure can be solidly placed on our heads. We are the church here. and Only God would trust a bunch of 18, 19, and 20 year old boys to come out here and teach the gospel but ive been so impressed with the wisdom and patience and everything that God blesses us with. I have changed alot here. And i can only hope and pray that I have helped others to make changes in their own lives as well.
Im doing really well. Having lots of fun. We had a four day english fast so that was fun. Fasting from english and only speaking spanish. Feels wierd to speak english afterwards.
Hope you have a great week at home and with work. And Enjoy those bike rides! Ill see what i can do to enjoy ours haha
Im doing good. We got alot to do this next while. President Maluenda has given us a deadline for the Zapata branch. Its going to be alot of work but I think we are up to the challenge. Just hope that we can make the members ready because its going to happen.
WE have been focusing alot on the priesthood. I didnt realize how important the priesthood is coming from an area that has plenty of active priesthood holders and a home where the father is actively engaged in his church calling. I never really realized how important the priesthood is.
Im doing good healthwise as well. Im weighing in at 185 pounds. 6 foot. So im in really good shape. Been able to keep myself pretty healthy out here.
The strongs and shumways left for a few days so i felt kind of like mckade and Dad. Our 'Parents' were gone for a week. One went to a grandsons wedding and the other had their fiftieth anniversary.
Not too much else going on. But its going great.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
p.s. aloe vera fresh from the plant doesn't taste too good.
Its been a busy week. I can say with ease that the mission is the hardest thing ive done in my life so far. Especially with the areas ive been serving in. I dont think there is 2 harder areas. But i guess thats what im good at. Working good with next to nothing. I havent been in a real church building for a sacrament meeting in over a year. Its kinda wierd haha. By real church i mean an LDS building. Not something the church has been renting out. I got hit with that thought this week.
We had a meeting this sunday with the Laredo district presidency and President Maluenda. We got a pretty hefty weight put on our shoulders. Zapata needs to be an independent branch by september so that Laredo can become a stake. Made me think of you and your deadlines and expectations at work. While im not as qualified as you are God has invested alot in me and in us here. I feel like im in the refiners fire out here. Physically and emotionally. Its starting to heat up out here. Makes the bikes alot more fun ;) also when people say they cant make it to church and stuff we can get a good chuckle out of their poor excuses. Lots of great blessings here to go and get.
Ive been studying a bit about the priesthood and the twelve apostles have said that the strength of the church depends on the strenght of the priesthood. Its so very true because until these men can step up their game and get the priesthood all those faithful women and children cant recieve the blessings they deserve. There is alot of sins of omission that people will have to suffer if they dont repent.
Hope everything is going great up there. And i hope you survived without mom. Trust me. Its not that easy. She spoils us.
Love you guys so much,
Elder Hatfield
I dont know what it is but i am pretty sure the Lord has put me in some of the hardest areas. I dont want to sound like im complaining. Im grateful that the Lord trusts me with such heated battlegrounds in the work. Satan has had zapata in his clutches for a long time. And he isnt parting with it easily. I realized how much of a blessing it is to have members help in the work. This week i was able to work with a new missionary in an area up in laredo. It was completley different for me. Big houses, White people, English. So i decided to just keep working as hard as i normally did. And through one of the members we found a couple and the husband(they were married) Was extremely accepting of the gospel. He had hundreds of questions and was willing to do anything that we told him he needed to do to join the church. As i got back i realized that as the church is stronger the effects of satan on zapata will be weakened. So as we get a temple here in the valley his influence will be weakened and it will be amazing. So thats what i had come to me this week. The ground is rocky but just need to plow it first.
Love you and everything is going well.
Elder Hatfield
The shirts are great. they fit alot better than the other ones. And saying that they fit fine but were for people with a bit bigger waist than i had i think. THese fitted ones are great.
Also the work in zapata is going well. We are doing alot of great things and a new program is going to be instituted which i am a big fan of. We are gong to be focusing more on giving service to people. Which will be awesome because people will really be able to see us in the community and all the things that we are here to do to help the people out in the best way. We are really looking for good investigators and people that are a bit higher up in the community to go and help them come to the gospel. It will be a bit hard but we need men. We need guys who are willing to actually play an active part in their family. We have been calling alot of people to repentance making it very clear that they are sinning and if they dont change they are going to pay consequences and if they want to make a change they have to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. And if they dont then God will hold them guilty for not doing so. We are tired of guys who drag their families down. We need real men. It makes me think alot about what kind of father i want to be when i Have my own family. Im also grateful beyond measure of the example that Dad has set for me. We have alot of poor excuses of fathers here and they ruin the lives of thier families. They will be held accountable for their sins at the last day.
On a happier subject we are working hard and we are healthy. The summer is going to be alot of fun out here! Lots of great things to come. July is going to be the warmest month i am told so got to get used to it now while i can. Biking in the heat is just my favorite.
Its wierd. One of my good friends here in the mission just got engaged and everything. I helped him plan his first date and everything and now he is getting married. Its so wierd.
Well ill talk next week.
Love you guys,
Elder Hatfield
Its been great. And yeah those are classrooms and if that is a picture of me i never posed for it so quien sabe.
Elder Vawdrey is really cool. I get along with him really well. He loves soccer and is really good at it so im learning from him. He is the district leader here so we are working hard with the other elders. THey are both really young so we are helping them out right now. Im currently on exchanges u up in laredo right now with a brand new missionary so it will be fun. Teaching him spanish and stuff haha.
So its been good.
Got the package haha thanks for the squirt guns we are going to use them on the dogs when we are biking.
Lots of Love,
Elder Hatfield
So another transfer in Zapata. Time to set the changes. My goal right now is to find a family that will stay in the gospel. Get some Melchizedek priesthood here. The men need to step their game up. Satan knows that the man is a huge strength out here so he is working so hard on them. Not scared to show them that they aren't as tough as they think they are in sin. Obviously in a very loving manner and not confrontational. But you have to be bold to call people to repentance and if the word penetrates and they harden their hearts you can pray that they will have another opportunity but move on. We didn't have the Restoration to be terrestrial kingdom dwellers. Its for those willing to pay the price for the fruit higher on the tree.
Im jealous of your bike. Mine isn't as nice haha. but it does the job. I also hear i might inherit yours which will be awesome haha. I see you learned a spanish dicho. Lo que cuesta borato sale caro.(What you buy cheap ends up costing more than expected) Glad you get to see the pics. You guys take care out there and ill try to keep myself in good biking shape. We ran an 8k for the community the other day so hopefully that helps haha.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
No word on transfers and nobody has been to Mcallen so Ill get it probably tomorrow. We will also know transfers im guessing tonight.
Super cool for Mckade! thats a huge blessing. I hope he studies it often. My patriarchal blessing has been one of the biggest supports on my mission. ANd i know it will be for the rest of my life.
I hope you guys have fun out in Utah. I know the family misses you guys. Also tell them Hi for me.
Your a great Mom so dont worry your kids dont want to just get out and leave you. Also a little time away makes them realize how important their mother is. I mean i have to make my bed in th emornings now. Thats ridiculous! haha.
I pray for you guys and hope everything is going well. Ill let you know asap ;) aka in a week haha. You guys take care and thank you for all your prayers for me. Im so grateful for the functional(crazy) family i have.
Elder Hatfield
This week was a bit of a struggle you could say, Not the attendance at church our efforts deserved but thats the thing with agency. Its an unpredictable thing. So my talk on finishing what we start didnt hit the crowd it was intended for but those who were there got to hear me ramble on in my first english talk on the mission. WE just had our devout english members there. Im not sure exactly why everyone chose yesterday but it was a lot less people than what should have been there.
Im extremely pleased to hear about Mckade's Blessing. That will be a firm anchor for him in his life. Im glad he had a good spiritual experience.
Im trying to continue and improve. As much as i feel like i have improved i lack so much. Todavia falto mucho. But its good progress. So the experiences may be painful but the rewards eternal. I got my hand on the plow and dont plan on looking back anytime soon.
My biggest regret from before my mission was not taking advantage of the spiritual Giants we have back home. You, the busaths, Stake Presidency. And many more. I didnt realize the wisdom that was being shared and I lost those. So thats why im here. Learning to appreciate and repent. Because Today is the day of our repentance.
Love your son,
Elder Hatfield
Thanks mom, I was thinking and i see all the problems and trials the families out here have and im so grateful that i dont have to worry about that with my own family. Its a blessing to be able to focus on others and not worry that things are going on back home. Doesnt mean it cant happen but it does mean that the chances are lower. Thank you for your prayers and your thoughts. YOu have been a huge help for me.
It was great to talk to you guys. I dont have alot of time today but your input has been helpful. Keep up with the good work out there. And stop feeding tate so much. He is going to be driving by the time i get back.
Lots of love!
Elder Hatfield
To the parents Elder Hatfield:
We are Elder and Sister Shumway currently serving in Zapata, Texas, with your wonderful son. We want you to know that Elder Hatfield is one super missionary. We have grown close to these four Elders here and have been able to observe them in their work; we are extremely impressed with all of them. On this Mother’s Day, we want you to know that Elder Hatfield is bringing great honor to your name, that he is on task, is very thoughtful, and extremely insightful. Rejoice that you have such a wonderful son. We know whereof we speak, as we have raised 8 children, are the grandparents of 27, and are now on our third mission. We have never been more impressed than by these young Elders.
So told mom i will be calling at about 3 my time and about 4 your time. I think so. So thats the plan. Its been a very real battle this week. We got the people to church though. we set a record a believe for amount of people at church. 42 It was a very animated and busy day at church making sure classes are being taught. correct doctrine is being taught. All those things. ITs been a great blessing to have the shumways here. The other senior couple is amazing. When i first moved into the area i thought they were going to be like parents always wanting to know where we are at and things like that but I know that without them here in zapata we wouldnt be able to do the work. THey give us guidance and structure. ITs alot like the parable of the young crow and the old one given in conference a few years back about how the young one can fly ahead and do circles around the old crow but he doesnt know the path to travel. And so he can never get too far. We can work as hard as we want but the give us structure and are capable of doing missionary work in manners that are simply impossible for us.
I had a few questions about ways that Nestle makes goals and plans to see if i would be able to implement any of that out here in the field.
Thanks for continually being a source of wisdom and strength. Thanks for being my "old crow" or old man. Haha Keep Kilee and Mckade out of trouble. Im keeping this front and I know your keeping the home front.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
So its been alot of fun in zapata. We broke the record with 42 people at church this week. We are really getting the work done here. its been great to see. How our hard work is making a difference. Lots of fun and changes are happening. it just seems like hearts are softening. so we will see what happenes this next little bit.
Looks like mckade had fun at the prom! He is looking good! Kilee looks really pretty there. Looks like things are going good. So i just herd that spencer Staheli is about to leave on his mission soon. so Jordan wont see him for 4 years! That is a bit crazy!
Things are good here Ill probably skype you on sunday at 3 my time so i think 4 your time. after church. If that works for you guys.
So thats what the big plans are. ANd no not anything i can really think about in a package.
So nothing too crazy happening here. We are hoping to help those kids get baptized on the 17th so we will see what happens.
Lots of love!
Elder Hatfield
Thanks for the answer and also for all you guys do. I couldn't imagine serving without the support of my family. It would be pretty difficult. I know a few missionaries who are in that situation and its impressive to me. Once being a missionary and seeing the church through the eyes of a missionary its hard to comprehend being less active or not keeping your covenants. We live at such a high standard its hard to relate sometimes.
So this week was really good. We have seen alot of great miracles here this past little while. Sunday we had a full house and a great service. A few people that were pretty closed or not wanting to do anything with us had their hearts opened. which was a huge blessing. We have been working hard and we are hoping to baptize may 17th. We will see what happens.
Ive been thinking about a few terms in spanish in the scriptures that have helped my understanding of the scriptures. THe first one being llevar a cabo- this means to literally carry or bring it to completion. So its by our efforts that we take the task to an end. the next is llegar a ser- to arrive at to be is the direct translation but it means to become. meaning arriving at a point or achieving a change. to become clean or arrive at cleanliness. Just a few little things that have opened my eyes in the study of the scriptures in spanish.
Con mucho amor,
Elder Hatfield
haha as long as i get to practice spanish on the cruise.
Thats exciting about the kitchen. Hope it looks the way you wanted it to look! And that blows my mind with Caleb. It seems like you get to a certain age when everyone starts to get married. Its weird. A few missionaries i served with got married. That is super fast.
So we had all those kids we have been playing soccer with finally come to church. And a less active family. It was pretty cool. The building was looking pretty full. Thats about 37 people to church. Our goal is 40 so we are close.
Glad that grandma and grandpa got the letter. i wrote it and then i took forever to send it. So im glad they got it. Not too much else going on out here. Just working hard.
Lots of love!
Thats some really good counsel. This week i have talked to a few other missionaries especially after the email last week. Im really grateful for your prayerful guidance and counsel. A few missionaries out here have less active family members or their dad isnt a big influence in their life. It reminds me of how blessed i am to have been raised in a family that teaches and has patterned the gospel for me. Its not only blessed me but it has blessed the lives of many here in south texas. Im truly grateful for your efforts to help me in my work here. Your an amazing example for me.
I have been focusing on trying to alter the why of my missionary work to love and charity. Im studying and working on applying the principle of love and charity in the work here. and yesterday I saw some fruits. In the lesson i really just tried to love the person as much as i could and everything i said and did was guided even more strongly by the spirit. I wanted them to overcome their challenges of being a young married couple and help them to use the redemptive powers of the atonement in their lives to become even better. Its been a good week. I read a little bit in the story of th sons of mosiah and when ammon serves the king and does everything out of just love and a desire to serve the lamanite king and the great affect he has on the lamanites. So here i am trying to have a similar affect on the lamanites.
I did have a question for you that i couldnt find. Maybe with your church organization experience you can help. Why do we not partake of the sacrament in conferences? If its such an essential ordinance why do we not make sure its a requirement in every church service?
Just a quick question. Be talking with you guys here pretty soon.
Elder Hatfield
No i didnt hear about Jeancarlo. Thats exciting though! Good for him. And i recognized everything in that picture but tate! ya es grande! Its been pretty fun out here. we got alot going for us now in zapata. I think we just had to get through a rough patch and then we could start finding again. Its been good to starting seeing some more success. People are also starting to notice us a bit more and all that we are doing for the community.
Congrats with the tile! we got new tires on our car today if that counts for anything! Work is going really good today so its been good so far.
Estamos ayudando algunas personas aqui que han pasado por dificultades en la vida.
que tenga una buena semana!
Love ya
Elder Hatfield
We have our district conference this next sunday so that should be alot of fun. Also we are now working with a few people. we even had some people come to church. We found them and it was pretty cool by biking down the road with our plans all falling through and then i saw some older women cutting some grass with a knife. And i was thinking no way am i going to let them do that. So we walk up to them and they are like oh we dont speak english. so the classic gringo response oh esta bien hablamos espanol. Que quiere que hagamos? Thats always fun to see their expression. So they lady gives me the knife thing and asks if i know how to use it which as an outsider looking in guys in white shirts probably dont know how to work with yard tools but i was able to get all her work done in under 10 mins and then we had a lesson with her. I was pumped. I realized i missed yard work and working outside alot too. So we taught her and she was on of the people that came to church this sunday. We are also working with another family called the ninos family. They are all pretty cool. We went to a funeral type thing with them this last bit which was really cool to be able to help them out there. They are super poor and they treat us with alot of respect. THey have been catholics their whole lives but i think thats about too change. We play soccer with their kids satrudays. One of the kids names is Gustavo but his nickname is la chiva. He teaches us how to play soccer. Im getting to be a pretty good goalie. But we are working hard with them and making a big change here in zapata this transfer everything just seems to feel different this transfer with all the people that we are meeting and helping. we are just getting recieved a bit more warmly. We are invited to barbeques and quinceanaras and things like that.
Love you mom your prayers are being answered.
Elder Hatfield
So whenever it seems like I "complain" my specific trials stick out. So usually by the time i get your long awaited email(which has always been the most uplifting and guiding) I have some ideas or thoughts on what i plan on doing. Then your E-mail usually takes it home by putting emphasis on truths and doctrines that ive learned because of that. One of the recent converts here learns very well by repetition and helps me know im being guided by the spirit. Because he is now learning bigger and deeper doctrines and when we pass by its hard to know what he needs until we ask him questions. so this is the third time now when ive had to make a lesson on the spot to teach him a principle that will help him. He is kind of an introvert as well so i have to listen carefully and pray on what he needs. So for the past two times i taught him a lesson and then that sunday the same principle was shared in the class at church. He finds me after and is like "How did you know! They just taught exactly what you told me when you came by!"
Every once in a while Father opens the heavens. Briefly and at unexpected times but he does it to show us that we are on course. When i begin to feel inadequate or like my service hasnt blessed or aided very many the heavens open. This sunday we had a suprise visit from the bolanos and Josh. Josh was the one I baptized in Roma. His family likes the church but they werent ready for it yet. But he is still active and helping by doing his own missionary work. One of the Less active families i spent alot of time with in pleading and begging is now an active member and holds a calling in the relief society.
I was reading this week in the talk by Jeffrey R. Holland in his talk which i cant remember. but talking about how trials seem to always come and then relief through god. With Joseph Smith and Moses. But it really hit me how our trials always line the path to something greater. Like the parable of the camel and they Eye of the needle. Symbolically the eye of the needle is the passage in the bridge where the rope is fed. a camel if unburdened and at the end of a journey with lack of water and food could fit. so it is only after our trials and a long stretch in the desert that we are able to make it through the narrow way.
Im grateful for you prayers and the revelation that you seek in my behalf. Im slowly beginning to understand what it means to be a father and the love that god has for us but i still have a long ways to go.
Elder Hatfield