Tuesday, June 16, 2015
June 15, 2015
So its been a busy week. We have been all over. And i had a great time with one of my past companions on an exchange at the beginning of the week. He was one of my favorites so it was great to work with him one last time before he goes back home. It was also wierd working in the city. Alot of people in the city. The work is alot different than it is in any of my past areas.
Also this week we had a great sunday. We didnt have all the people we could have had at the church but we did have a fair amount of people. But what was so cool was what happened during the service. We were able to have one of our recently reactivated kids play the piano for sacrament. It was awesome. He has been coming back to church and actually the first time that i talked to him he wouldnt talk to us but something has changed and he is really turning his life around. He has been taking piano lessons and has learned how to play a song so this sunday we started the meeting and had the sacrament and he still wasnt at church. so i was kinda sad because we started to sing the song that he was supposed to play. And another side note. Ive been working with this family since i have been here and ive never seen their Mom at church But just as of latley she showed us some desires to come to church. So as we started to sing we made it through the first two verses and then they walk in. So one of the senior missionaries silences the music and has this kid come and take the spot at the piano and finish the song. It was awesome. He played perfectly and his mom was there to hear him play. Probably not church protocol but when we are like we are down here we kinda do what we want. So it was a succesful sunday in my eyes.
We have been working with a few people and things. We are starting to see a bit of opposition from other churches it seems but thats how it is so just keep doing the best we can. Something has got to give eventually and i know its not us.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
This week has been alot of fun as i put in my email to mom but even more my testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith is constantly growing and strengthening. Id be lying if i didnt say that i would love to be able to talke with him for even just 20 minutes. Just learn from his example. Such a great man. In the ensign they are writing about the prophet and his story by Matthew Holland and its great. Also this week we saw a magazine of anti material against Joseph Smith. It is definitely a prophecy being fulfilled today of that prophecy given by Moroni that his name would be for good and bad by all nations. The hatred that some have against such a man is so unprecedented and the only other comparison is with the savior Jesus Christ and how people rejected and hated him. Satan is very good at what he does. It has always been easier to destroy than to build and create.
Maybe thats why we are in the creation and building side. Seems like Hatfield dont always do it the easy way. Ive been hard pressed out here its been great though. Im coming to realize that im definitely in one of the hardest areas. But im sure that it is one of the most rewarding as well. Any success or failure can be solidly placed on our heads. We are the church here. and Only God would trust a bunch of 18, 19, and 20 year old boys to come out here and teach the gospel but ive been so impressed with the wisdom and patience and everything that God blesses us with. I have changed alot here. And i can only hope and pray that I have helped others to make changes in their own lives as well.
Im doing really well. Having lots of fun. We had a four day english fast so that was fun. Fasting from english and only speaking spanish. Feels wierd to speak english afterwards.
Hope you have a great week at home and with work. And Enjoy those bike rides! Ill see what i can do to enjoy ours haha

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