so im staying in zapata for another transfer with elder Perkins. We ran a 5K race on saturday berfore conference for autism to help people see us as active members in the community. We ran it in a pros clothes haha. And mckade sounded like he enjoyed it. it was in his email. Sounds like you guys are staying busy. thats great!
As for conference it was really good. WE were able to get the equipment to make it work here in zapata. It was great. I was really struck by Eyering talking about fasting. We fast fairly often as missionaries but even then its not enough. That hit me pretty hard and so did the talk on focus on families.One of my goals is to find a good family this transfer to be a strong building block for the church here. The focus on families was huge.
As for the area. we are battleing it out right now. I dont know why or what im not doing but we are really struggling out here. We havent had a single investigator to church this transfer. There are things we can improve but i dont know what is stopping us exactly. We have tried alot of different things. People just aren't acting. I hope that we can change that out here. Just nothing is happening. we are fighting to keep our members that are active active. Im excited to have another transfer here. but i dont know what im not doing. its hard.
I hope you guys have a great week!
Elder Hatfield

Not too much this week. And ill be staying here in zapata with elder perkins. It should be alot of fun! Conference was amazing and we got to start it by running a 5K here in zapata for autism. That was alot of fun. And to make sure people recognized us we ran it in our church clothes. we got some funny looks but it was worth it. Still a little sore. im not a huge running fan. but whatever works to stay in shape i guess haha.
So not much else. We are working with a few people and an old lady and her family. they are super poor but she loves to feed us. its really cool. she is a great cook. Just goes to show that there are great people in even bad environments. its been fun to work with the people in zapata. there is so much need which makes it entirely different for us every day.
Love you Guys!
Elder Hatfield
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