Monday, March 30, 2015
Email for March 30, 2015 still in Zapata~~
THe picture should answer the weather question. Its been alot of fun. All of these kids are investigators and their grandma is a super sweet lady. She cried when we said a prayer with her. She also made us tacos. MMMM real tacos are great!
So I have no idea with transfers coming up and what im going to do with that whole situation.
We will be watching it in our funeral home out here. which will be alot of fun haha.
Not too much else. it was just a really great week. We helped alot of people. some weeks at the end you just feel like you were a success. It has been really good. Im talking with Sister strong and she wants to take me to peru and machu pichu which should be alot of fun haha.
Not too much else to write about. We are closing up the transfer. and my mission is at the halfway point. That makes me nervous.
Well Lots of love and blessings your way.
Love you guys!
That is a great scripture. It will be a good help out here. To others and myself included. I dont think we realize how we are sometimes in bondage to things that affect us and deter us from reaching our potential.
Ive been re reading the book of mormon in spanish and How it talks about how Jacob was born in the wilderness and in affliction. ANd how sometimes we are placed in situations and places that are rough. And we cant always choose the circumstances and problems that confront us but we can choose our attitude and how we are going to react. It reminds me a bit about the story of Joseph after fleeing from sin and then wrongly accused is cast into prison but the lord is still with him and uses him as an instrument to fulfill the will of the lord.
The blessings from perserverance are amazing. Ive began to notice a certain area in our lifes when miracles begin to take place. Its not when its all nice and easy and its not when we ourselves are at rock bottom. ITs at the times when satan is working hard on us and we are in a rough situation but we ourselves remain steadfast and moving towards the edge of the cliff so to speak and god comes through for us.
We have been working with a less active who has been struggling and sells himself short on alot of things. but we have been leading him and guiding him. Being a blessing in his life. and HE had a car that needed to be moved from his last house to his new one. THis car hadnt been driven for 10 years and is over 30 years old. He himself has no license and walks everywhere. We promised him he would be blessed in multiple aspects of his life if he puts god first. We began to do so and we got his car moved with some help and it was done for free. Also some co workers noticed he was walking everywhere and put some money in and got him a bike. Good things happen and miracles happen we just have to get to the point where the veil isnt so thick.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield

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