Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Elder Hatfield's email to Dad- April 20, 2015
Thats some really good counsel. This week i have talked to a few other missionaries especially after the email last week. Im really grateful for your prayerful guidance and counsel. A few missionaries out here have less active family members or their dad isnt a big influence in their life. It reminds me of how blessed i am to have been raised in a family that teaches and has patterned the gospel for me. Its not only blessed me but it has blessed the lives of many here in south texas. Im truly grateful for your efforts to help me in my work here. Your an amazing example for me.
I have been focusing on trying to alter the why of my missionary work to love and charity. Im studying and working on applying the principle of love and charity in the work here. and yesterday I saw some fruits. In the lesson i really just tried to love the person as much as i could and everything i said and did was guided even more strongly by the spirit. I wanted them to overcome their challenges of being a young married couple and help them to use the redemptive powers of the atonement in their lives to become even better. Its been a good week. I read a little bit in the story of th sons of mosiah and when ammon serves the king and does everything out of just love and a desire to serve the lamanite king and the great affect he has on the lamanites. So here i am trying to have a similar affect on the lamanites.
I did have a question for you that i couldnt find. Maybe with your church organization experience you can help. Why do we not partake of the sacrament in conferences? If its such an essential ordinance why do we not make sure its a requirement in every church service?
Just a quick question. Be talking with you guys here pretty soon.
Elder Hatfield
Elder Hatfield's email to Mom- April 20, 2015
No i didnt hear about Jeancarlo. Thats exciting though! Good for him. And i recognized everything in that picture but tate! ya es grande! Its been pretty fun out here. we got alot going for us now in zapata. I think we just had to get through a rough patch and then we could start finding again. Its been good to starting seeing some more success. People are also starting to notice us a bit more and all that we are doing for the community.
Congrats with the tile! we got new tires on our car today if that counts for anything! Work is going really good today so its been good so far.
Estamos ayudando algunas personas aqui que han pasado por dificultades en la vida.
que tenga una buena semana!
Love ya
Elder Hatfield
Monday, April 13, 2015
Email to Mom - April 13, 2015
We have our district conference this next sunday so that should be alot of fun. Also we are now working with a few people. we even had some people come to church. We found them and it was pretty cool by biking down the road with our plans all falling through and then i saw some older women cutting some grass with a knife. And i was thinking no way am i going to let them do that. So we walk up to them and they are like oh we dont speak english. so the classic gringo response oh esta bien hablamos espanol. Que quiere que hagamos? Thats always fun to see their expression. So they lady gives me the knife thing and asks if i know how to use it which as an outsider looking in guys in white shirts probably dont know how to work with yard tools but i was able to get all her work done in under 10 mins and then we had a lesson with her. I was pumped. I realized i missed yard work and working outside alot too. So we taught her and she was on of the people that came to church this sunday. We are also working with another family called the ninos family. They are all pretty cool. We went to a funeral type thing with them this last bit which was really cool to be able to help them out there. They are super poor and they treat us with alot of respect. THey have been catholics their whole lives but i think thats about too change. We play soccer with their kids satrudays. One of the kids names is Gustavo but his nickname is la chiva. He teaches us how to play soccer. Im getting to be a pretty good goalie. But we are working hard with them and making a big change here in zapata this transfer everything just seems to feel different this transfer with all the people that we are meeting and helping. we are just getting recieved a bit more warmly. We are invited to barbeques and quinceanaras and things like that.
Love you mom your prayers are being answered.
Elder Hatfield
Email from Zapata- April 13, 2015
So whenever it seems like I "complain" my specific trials stick out. So usually by the time i get your long awaited email(which has always been the most uplifting and guiding) I have some ideas or thoughts on what i plan on doing. Then your E-mail usually takes it home by putting emphasis on truths and doctrines that ive learned because of that. One of the recent converts here learns very well by repetition and helps me know im being guided by the spirit. Because he is now learning bigger and deeper doctrines and when we pass by its hard to know what he needs until we ask him questions. so this is the third time now when ive had to make a lesson on the spot to teach him a principle that will help him. He is kind of an introvert as well so i have to listen carefully and pray on what he needs. So for the past two times i taught him a lesson and then that sunday the same principle was shared in the class at church. He finds me after and is like "How did you know! They just taught exactly what you told me when you came by!"
Every once in a while Father opens the heavens. Briefly and at unexpected times but he does it to show us that we are on course. When i begin to feel inadequate or like my service hasnt blessed or aided very many the heavens open. This sunday we had a suprise visit from the bolanos and Josh. Josh was the one I baptized in Roma. His family likes the church but they werent ready for it yet. But he is still active and helping by doing his own missionary work. One of the Less active families i spent alot of time with in pleading and begging is now an active member and holds a calling in the relief society.
I was reading this week in the talk by Jeffrey R. Holland in his talk which i cant remember. but talking about how trials seem to always come and then relief through god. With Joseph Smith and Moses. But it really hit me how our trials always line the path to something greater. Like the parable of the camel and they Eye of the needle. Symbolically the eye of the needle is the passage in the bridge where the rope is fed. a camel if unburdened and at the end of a journey with lack of water and food could fit. so it is only after our trials and a long stretch in the desert that we are able to make it through the narrow way.
Im grateful for you prayers and the revelation that you seek in my behalf. Im slowly beginning to understand what it means to be a father and the love that god has for us but i still have a long ways to go.
Elder Hatfield

Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Another 6 weeks in Zapata, TX!! April 6, 2015
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