Tuesday, July 21, 2015
July 20, 2015
I keep thinking the mission isnt very long. It doesnt feel like that much time has passed but when i think about how much has changed back home i cant believe it. Life is going to be so different when i get home. I wasnt too shocked with Grandpa lowe. Im glad he is in a better place now. Another Faithful servant returning home. I think the suffering at the end of this life is just the final bits of refinement that we need to be ready fort the next life.
We are progressing out here. We have a few solid people that are preparing for baptism. I have alot of faith in them. I have been very impressed with their progress. I didnt think they were going to make it but we just had a powerful lesson and everything just clicked for them. The lord touches hearts and changes those who truly love him.
Best wishes for the young couple. Thats wierd. But as long as he is happy. Just hope Mckade wasnt too goofy at the wedding. It looks really pretty! where was it done? dont know when ill have to think about those things haha.
Lots of love,
El mero mero Elder Hatfield
Im doing fantastic. And off of medication im doing great. no worries there. And as far as the mission is going its amazing. I dont need anything in fact ill be sending some stuff home. i got too much stuff haha. (the battery in the watch died so ill just send it back to you) and some other things that i picked up. And thats wierd about sydney! i know a few people from vegas in the mission so if you let me know who i can ask around haha.
And thats alot of people going out on missions. And that means that ill have some time with mckade before he goes out so that will be alot of fun! And from the looks of things out here we are looking to baptize on sunday and have a marriage this week. Im super happy for Caleb and SHelby as well. Its going super good out here in the mission. We had alot of cool miracles this week with the people. WE saw a member that i havent been able to make contact with for the first time in about 5 months. SO that was good. We gave her a blessing and we also gave a blessing to another woman who will soon be an investigator. Also Joe and Jessy the couple we are helping get married so she can be baptized is sharing the gospel with so many people. They are going to be a huge help with the work out here. they already have strong testimonies and everything. ITs going to be awesome. We are also looking to baptize in august. Got some cool people who will be ready by then.
But im doing great. Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
P.s. We got the church on our backs

New District Leader July 6, 2015
Thanks! Just another load of bricks;) But thats what Hatfields do. We work best under stress. The more weight the better.
So a pretty lame 4th of July. But we did get pizza and rootbeer floats. I felt american for a brief period of time. Which was great. so the new responsibilites are alot of Fun. Training a new missionary and leading a district. and Im going to be in the branch presidency and the branch mission leader. I will have a few callings. Its great though. I love every moment of it. I can focus all my time and energy on building the Kingdom. THere is no other time where i will be able to do it. All my time. Its a very special opportunity i have been blessed with. I just hope that i can live up to the expectations that are placed before me.
So we are working with Joe and Jessy. They have come to church a few times. WE are hoping to get them married and then baptized. So thats what we are working on right now. We have a mission challenge of finding people so lets see what we can do with me and my greenie. We need to beat the other elders at least haha.
Hope you have a fantastic day!
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
Its been a pretty crazy week. Its hard to think a week ago i was in Mcallen with president saying your going to be a district leader and a trainer. That is a very rare thing. So here i am out in zapata. I remember looking at out ward boundaries in ohio and was thinking wow. My dad has alot of people he is in charge of. So here i am and while it isnt as much its alot. Im really learning to appreciate the atonement. Its been a great week. With teaching and finding people. WE have a finding focus this next week. so im going to see how i can help the district find people in there area.
I always appreciate the spiritual nature of your E mails. Its nice keeps me focused on the day. I was reading in Alma 17 this morning and I learned alot from the first part of the chapter. It helps remind me about when i was called to be a missionary. And while i havent exactly served in the most bountiful areas i have been able to serve in areas that are really in need of help. Thank you for your example and the help you have given me.
Im looking forward to that bike. So far mine is starting to get pretty beat up. Roads aren't exactly the best out here.
Have a great week!
Elder Hatfield

Email for June 29, 2015
So we will find out about transfers tonight. I have received a little bit of information about next transfer. I was told that im going to be a District leader this next transfer and a trainer as well. The lord has put a weight on my shoulders for this next transfer. Ill be growing alot out here. A really cool part of it was being able to see Elder Avila again. He is an AP and he goes home this week. But he was able to give me the call to be a District Leader. It was pretty cool. Full circle for him. So i will be a bit busy this next transfer. I dont know where im going yet or if im going at all but that im going to be a bit more busy than before.
Thats really cool about Jeff. Tell him to E-mail me or something before he goes. Id like to talk to him.
So thats how it goes in the mission. Lets see what this transfer brings.
This week has been a little insane. Ill just list it out.
1. I was called to be a district leader
2. I was called to be a trainer
3. I spoke for the second sunday in a row
4. Diana one of my converts went less active but i saw her on our way through roma from the district leader meeting, she talked with the branch presidente and is getting back on track because she read the notes that me and Elder Avila left her before we left.
5. 3 of my companions go home this transfer
6. Im not as young as i used to be in the mission.
It was a really exciting week. Luckily im not the most excitable person in the world so the stress and anxiety didnt get to me too bad.
So the cherry on top for me was seeing Elder Avila again. I really learned to Love him. He has been my favorite companion up till now. Mostly because of the hard things we did together. and to be able to see him at the end is very cool. He is an AP and so he got dibs to give me the call to go to mcallen to be a district leader trainer. I dont know where im going to be still. But i know the Lord is going to test me this transfer. I think i might rethink praying for experiences that will help me grow;)
So good week so far i would say. Alot of great experiences. Im really enjoying it out here and i would love to stay in Zapata but we will find out.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
June 22, 2015
Yeah we had a zone conference. It was really good. Every meeting I am able to attend with President Maluenda is really neat. He is a very inspired man. So this week was really good. At the conference i was able to see Elder Avila again and talk with him. He saw a few of the people that we worked with in roma go on a mini mission. It was really cool to hear about that and find out about a few of the people that we have worked so hard to help. I love it when people let the gospel in to change their lives completely. Their is nothing that brings a missionary greater joy than that. We are really blessed out here.
Miss you guys. Send me some pics of Caleb and Shelby's Wedding. Tell them i say Hi as well.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield
Well It has been a busy week. Ive wagered my salvation on the Book of Mormon a few times this week. If people would just read it haha. So a few miracles this week. One we gave a blessing to a grandson of a part member family. That was an extremely spiritual moment. in which we were able to bless the whole family. I was also able to bear testimony very firmly that the heavens are not closed. We have the priesthood and can participate and have available the same blessings today as were available in the days of Jesus Christ. That foundation of Prophets and Apostles is still existent. And its for us to take advantage of. They ended up coming to church and i spoke that Sunday. Needless to say the spirit wanted me to adjust my talk. I didnt read the talk that i had written before. We then had a lesson with them and explained the restoration. It was really cool. She has recieved a few spiritual confirmations. She is also a very smart and capable individual. When she becomes a member we are going to put her to work. we have been praying and fasting for a family that will really strengthen us here.
Well enough about Zapata. I want to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!! My focus and appreciation for families has grown so much this past year. I am so grateful that i have been raised in the family that i have. Your example of a Father is a model i plan to follow.(Only the good things of course;) To have a father back home who i know is praying for me and proud of what i am doing makes the mission just that much better. There is no equivalent to a Father who is actively engaged in the family. You have met that standard and more. And i plan on a life full of interactions together after the mission. There is a talk that i listen too alot out here. it has become one of my favorites. It talks about fathers and men. Ill send you a link.
Well I want to say thanks again. Im Glad that im able to be your son. And as we follow the example of our father in Heaven we wont just be father and son in this life. The great blessings of the Gospel are meant to be shared. So thats what im out here offering.
Love you! Happy late fathers Day!

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