Monday, March 30, 2015
Email for March 30, 2015 still in Zapata~~
THe picture should answer the weather question. Its been alot of fun. All of these kids are investigators and their grandma is a super sweet lady. She cried when we said a prayer with her. She also made us tacos. MMMM real tacos are great!
So I have no idea with transfers coming up and what im going to do with that whole situation.
We will be watching it in our funeral home out here. which will be alot of fun haha.
Not too much else. it was just a really great week. We helped alot of people. some weeks at the end you just feel like you were a success. It has been really good. Im talking with Sister strong and she wants to take me to peru and machu pichu which should be alot of fun haha.
Not too much else to write about. We are closing up the transfer. and my mission is at the halfway point. That makes me nervous.
Well Lots of love and blessings your way.
Love you guys!
That is a great scripture. It will be a good help out here. To others and myself included. I dont think we realize how we are sometimes in bondage to things that affect us and deter us from reaching our potential.
Ive been re reading the book of mormon in spanish and How it talks about how Jacob was born in the wilderness and in affliction. ANd how sometimes we are placed in situations and places that are rough. And we cant always choose the circumstances and problems that confront us but we can choose our attitude and how we are going to react. It reminds me a bit about the story of Joseph after fleeing from sin and then wrongly accused is cast into prison but the lord is still with him and uses him as an instrument to fulfill the will of the lord.
The blessings from perserverance are amazing. Ive began to notice a certain area in our lifes when miracles begin to take place. Its not when its all nice and easy and its not when we ourselves are at rock bottom. ITs at the times when satan is working hard on us and we are in a rough situation but we ourselves remain steadfast and moving towards the edge of the cliff so to speak and god comes through for us.
We have been working with a less active who has been struggling and sells himself short on alot of things. but we have been leading him and guiding him. Being a blessing in his life. and HE had a car that needed to be moved from his last house to his new one. THis car hadnt been driven for 10 years and is over 30 years old. He himself has no license and walks everywhere. We promised him he would be blessed in multiple aspects of his life if he puts god first. We began to do so and we got his car moved with some help and it was done for free. Also some co workers noticed he was walking everywhere and put some money in and got him a bike. Good things happen and miracles happen we just have to get to the point where the veil isnt so thick.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Email for March 23, 2015
Yeah its amazing what God can do when we ask. ive learned that for some blessings we have to ask. Well my problem is I don't like to ask for help haha. so its been a course in humility as well. But it has really helped in the mission. Trying to increase my christlike attributes and be a better person. A few times I have been really blessed and protected from the lord. he will provide a way.
ive been reading the book of Mormon over again in my personal study and im where nephi has to build a boat and its not after the manner of men and during the process it sais that he goes often to the mountain to speak with the lord. Well to get out of our rut we had to stop doing it after the manner of men and more after the manner of God. Which means soccer every Saturday with some of the locals to find people and more activities. I was getting set in the missionary rut of just the basic things. I didn't remember that we have to do some other things to progress the work and here its something that the people love. soccer. so far it has worked really well in softening the hearts of the people. once they see that we are people too and we like to have a good time it seems to open them up. Where in a situation where they would be closed off and not interested in learning once they realize that you can play soccer and run around with them they are a lot more likely to listen too you afterwards.
This isn't our work. and im remembering that I need to be the hammer that hits the nail not the hand that guides it.
Lots of love from down south, Elder Hatfield
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Brayden's email for March 16, 2015
Sometimes im not going to lie I feel like im just putting drops in the ocean. Its hard to see my influence helping others. But its always refreshing to know that you guys are always here for me and trust me. I know you guys have sacrificed a lot for me to be here. and im doing what I can to make the most of it. Its not easy. But never was made to be easy. There is a lot of youth out there in hiram moving on to bigger and better things. But they are going to be tried as well. As with everyone here I want to teach them and prepare them for what is to come but we have to let them learn on their own and help them as they fall down. Its hard to watch people struggle. but its worth it in the end if they let it become a strength.
With Mckade im glad I was confident in saying that I have mentored him. I have had a lot of shortcoming and faults as an older brother and while my example is flawed at times im glad he felt that I helped him in his journey. Ive learned a lot of things on my mission and have passed through a lot of difficulties and made some hard choices but its only strengthened me. I want to thank you in turn for being my mentor. You have made a huge impact in my life and I cant thank you enough for what you have done. You all take care and keep sending your prayers my way. We need it here in Zapata.
Love your son, Elder Hatfield

Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Staying in Zapata and with Elder Perkins! March 3, 2015
Still in zapata with elder perkins. We are a district now which is really good. It helps alot.
This week was pretty coolo in the fact that we pretty much just got to get back to work instead of doing the whole transfer thing. Its been pretty low key though. Not too much has been going on out here. just keep on working. Its been alot of fun to learn and do new things. I forgot my camera at the apartment but i got a picture of me welding. One of our converts dads let me weld a cage for him. it was really cool to learn how to do. So when i get home ill have to go weld some stuff haha. well not too much really happened this week. But its been alot of fun to just get out and work. We will have to see what new changes come this transfer.
Love you alot!
Elder Hatfield
I saw that principle apply this week. We had a few cool experiences this week. One was the fact that we had a low turnout for church this week but even though it was testimony meeting every member bore testimony.(that couldnt happen back home haha) the next one is that with our recent converts dad we were able to build a relationship with him by getting into his interests. He is a tough biker looking guy who owns a few oil rigs. well i was the fist missionary he let do service for him. I welded a cage for him so i got to learn how to weld and serve this guy. it was pretty cool. Ill have to send the picture next week i forgot my camera. But it was alot of fun to just talk about his work and things. im learning alot about the oil fields. they are really popular out here for work. I got a cold a few days ago and wasnt feeling that great but when I went out to work i didnt have any symptoms or anything. i thought i was just going ot have to suffer through the day but i felt great once we got out and started working. it was really cool!
Just some small miracles in the mission field. Good luck with your spring!
Love Elder Hatfield
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