Monday, January 26, 2015
Elder Hatfield loves Zapata, Texas! Jan.26, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Elder Hatfield was transferred to Zapata, TX!
I am called to serve in the Zapata north twig. Im still on the border. Still all spanish. My comp is a great missionary Elder Perkins i have worked with him before so this should be a great transfer. Im junior comp by one transfer. Casi haha and we have a congregation size of 30 people and we baptize in a lake. This is a very humble area and the church will have success or fail based on us as missionaries. We have ALOT of work to do but thats the situation i thrive in. We are planning on having a baptism this saturday and we will be having a conference with Dallin. H. Oaks this week and interviews with president.
My big question last transfer was if the lord trusted me or not and well that got answered pretty quick. THis is the only area in the mission of its kind. We are the church. No Branch president no stake nothing. Its the missionaries and the members and i love it. my only complaint is the amount of meetings we have because we are out in the middle of nowhere so we have to travel far to get to the meetings and that takes away our working time. So ill be bringing some ideas to president for that. I just want more time to work here.
Im doing well and im growing alot. This is a very great area and the spirit can be felt working here. I dont have alot of time today but ill have to send some pics next week. Im right on the edge of falcon lake if you want to look it up on a map.
I love you Dad and I pray for you daily.
Elder Hatfield
Monday, January 12, 2015
wish i could tell you with transfers but we still dont know anything. But i feel like im leaving as well. This is a long time to stay in an area. And dont get me started on the whole struggling without mom. Ive been surviving off of beans and tortillas and the generosity of the hispanic people(AKA im actually doing pretty good) THis has been a difficult transfer. we have worked with alot of people who for one reason or another chose to use their agency poorly. We are focusing hard on our members to get testimonies. To really get converted. Member work is amazing. And it is the only way this area is going to progress. I hope my service here has really helped the area. The sweat and tears that i have shed here(and in a few occasions a bit of blood) all of my companions have said this is the hardest area they have served in. I guess God needs a chisel and hammer to help shape me and teach me lessons. My patience has grown so much here. Acting rashly and letting others get to me has been refined here. To be my own person who acts from a drive within and not solely from outside influences. Its a skill that has been grown here. Im sure there are alot of other reasons for my time here but i dont know them all now.
Thanks for the support you give my mom. And the support with mckade and tate. your example will take them places. It has carried me so far in my mission. I see fathers everyday who are unfaithful to their families and who lie and dont cherish the gifts that god has dropped at their feet. The broken homes and the fact of parenthood at the age of 15 and up as a common thing. I am so blessed to have had the life i have had. and to know the people i know and the experience i have to know that this isnt life.
I love you guys and im grateful for you all. Ill let you know about transfers when i know.
Elder Hatfield
Yeah transfers are tomorrow but we still dont know anything about it so you will probably find out from kenia if i leave or stay. But yeah wether i stay or leave im ready.
It was great to talk with Jay. She definitely helped me out. She is a great example for all of us. Thank you mom for all that you do. It hasnt been exactly easy but thats not what we came here for. we knew it was going to be hard and that the trials that come in life would hurt but we cant grow without trial. we wont become any stronger or better if we just sit around. I know you are a strength to the family right now. And i pray that she passes on too. Henry B. Eyering talked about his mothers funeral and the prophet Spencer W. Kimball talked at her funeral and she had suffered for a few months before she passed away and he said. Her suffering wasnt for a sin or anything she had done in her life it was because God wanted her a bit more polished before she came home. So Jay is just getting polished and ready for life in perfection.
Thanks mom for all that you do for us. You truly are a living example of service and charity. Charity is the pure love of Christ. Thank you for that example. I am learning how blessed i am for the life i have and the family i have. Families down here are broken and shattered and most people are too broken to act on the gospel its sad we have the key to their happiness and we are trying to help them open the door but they throw it away. But just like anything if you want to succeed you try and try and try again. Because if they dont understand how important it is at least we do.
I know this church is true and even though its hard to be away in this difficult time that my service is a blessing to you and for that i am so grateful. I love you so much mom
Elder Hatfield
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Email from January 5, 2015
We have had a hard last couple of weeks and our poor Brayden has been taking the news of his Aunt Janae having cancer hard. He has sent some sweet letters regarding his Aunt.
Ill probably call tonight but ill talk to the mission president first to see what he wants me to do exactly. Im grateful for your prayers on my behalf and i know that She is going to a better place. I dont have alot of time to talk now but Im keeping you guys all in my prayers and i know that all of these things happen for a reason and will all eventually be for our good. I love you guys alot and i wish i could be there to help you guys out but im needed here and i ask you to not worry about me. Ill just work even harder to keep my mind busy.
I love you all
Love Your son,
Elder Brayden Hatfield
This was a pretty good week. Im just throwing myself at the work to help out. but its going great here. We are focusing alot on helping our members get a stronger testimony. Its slower than i would like but little by little they are getting there. The work is going great out here and we are seeing some good success in the branch. We are finally getting some coordination going with a meeting we have today we are going to bring some good things to the table. I want the branch doing things too because I feel like the missionaries are the branch presidency out here as well.
THis week i also was blessed to attend the funeral of one of our members. She was a sweet old lady that we brought the sacrament to each week. She passed away the 31st of december and i spoke a bit at her funeral. Its sad that there are alot of people who dont have the same hope that we have when it comes to life after death.
Dont worry about me. I know very well where Jay is going and it just means i got to put the shoulder to the wheel and push along.
Love you dad,
Elder Hatfield
Christmas Day phone call 2014
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