Its been good here. And thanks for the Jacket! that's going to be super nice! I do miss the cold alot. Ive always liked it and its been sitting in the hundreds here. Im getting used to it but its still not my favorite.
As for college i will have to figure it out when i get there. I might be able to live cheaper off campus and stuff. I can live without alot of stuff haha. So we will see. Also if i can just budget food myself and save money.
I have also met a few people down here that would provide me with a few jobs up there. So we will see how that works. And by up there i mean idaho and utah.
Havent put too much thought into it as of yet.
But other than that its been great. We have been finding alot of new people and helping them to progress. Its awesome. ELder Randall is getting better. And we are all having alot of fun. Im scared for what transfers are going to bring. I think im going to be out. But we will find out.
Thanks for all of your prayers everyone. Im really grateful for that. WE have been very blessed here.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield

As I have begun communicating with some of the Companions i have had who went home im almost not looking forward to it. You dont have the same opportunities to bless people. Those opportunities will be there but just not as plentiful. I just hope that when i get into a home i can do and say exactly what the savior would do. I have greatly grown in that. I have noticed this transfer that my testimony has grown. I was able to teach the investigators class at church on sunday and i was teaching about Baptism and it was a good lesson. But at the end of the Class i bore testimony of why i was a missionary and what i am here to do, to really just put our purpose out there. it was awesome. The spirit was very strong.
I have been changed alot on the mission so far. and those are going to be refined as I lose myself in the service of those under my stewardship. I just hope that i can stay worthy of this responsibility.
I have been thinking alot about families. And every time i read my patriarchal blessing im reminded of how blessed i really am to have been born in the family i have been born in. WHeere the gospel principles and teachings were not only taught but exemplified. Thanks for that.
We are going to keep working here.
Lots of love,
Elder Hatfield