As i opened this email to write you guys i got bit by a fire ant. Welcome to south texas haha. I hope you guys are all doing well! we are doing great down here on the border. so transfers are in and im going to be staying here in roma for at least another six weeks. I guess the Lord wants me to see all the things ive started to the end. He has alot of confidence in me because there is a ton of people we are working with right now. Its kind of ridiculous. We recently were able to see the baptism of Jesus and his family. His baptism was coming up and thenon saturday out of nowhere his whole family said that they wanted to be baptized. It was an awesome miracle and it was great to boost the spirit in our little branch down here. you guys be safe and have fun. And ill talk to yall next week. Thank you everyone for the prayers and the help that you are and have been for my family. I Pray for you all every day.
We dont get the colors down here. just more rain and wind. The cactuses dont really change colors like trees but i hear their flowers are pretty. So ive officially got two moms down here. They feed me and do my laundry haha. THey are both amazing women and have great testimonies.
Im glad ill get to be here another 6 weeks there is alot of work i have to finish up. we are teaching a ridiculous amount of people and we are doing service. haha i think i will be buying a machete when i get home. IT is a very helpful tool. I got more work done with that than i did with the weedwacker haha. I cleared out something like our garden in the backyard. it was cool.
Love you mom! you guys take care and ill get some more pics this week! Tell Hermana barnes Buen hecho for me!
Elder Hatfield
We dont have trees like that or colors. The only thing we get this time of year is a ton of butterflies. But they just make a mess on our truck. And yeah its nuts how time flies out here. makes me want to appreciate it alot more. there is alot of missionaries going home this transfer that i have looked up to. Im glad that I can be here doing this though. We had the chance to hit the missions standard of exellence this transfer. That was a great blessing. Its important to set goals. We are working with a family as well the moms name is jennifer and its cool to be with here family. Its alot like families up north. Bed times and all those fun rules. We built up her confidence in us and helped them to see that we are really called from god. And then we test the relationship. The son is getting baptized next sunday and the sisters and the mom will folllow the mom just wants to learn more. Its great how im going to also be in roma another transfer. Im really able to harvest all my work now. We have alot of people set up to be batpized and confirmed this coming month. We also were able to reactivate a family. And that is a great blessing. Im having a difficult time remembering all these words in english because we talk spanish about 70 percent of the time. and the past two days we fasted from english so my spanish is getting better. not nearly perfect but improving. Im learning alot about what it takes to really be a priesthood man.
love you guys and you guys take care!

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