Bishop and Rachelle,
We were visiting our son in Corpus Christi TX and met a missionary that served with your son, Elder Avila. He spoke so highly of Brayden (no surprise there!). He said Brayden was the hardest working comp he has had and that he learned so much from Brayden. It was clear that he really, really loved serving with Brayden. He told me about a day they were determined to work all day on their bikes, but it started to rain. It only rained for an hour or two while they were teaching so they continued with their plan only to end up pedaling in water that was over their pedals the entire rest of the day, but Brayden never gave up or complained. They just kept working. Sounds just like the Brayden I know and love!
Our son is the ward mission leader in that ward. I really hope they get a chance to work together. Anyway I wanted to share and let you know how much he is loved and respected where he is serving so faithfully. I only wish I had seen Brayden while we were there!
Sherri Moss